Welcome, Game Masters for all systems...

We're Jonah and Tristan Fishel, authors of the Game Master's Handbook of Proactive Roleplaying. We're on a mission to change the way people play tabletop RPGs by:

  • Making the Game Master a participant who discovers the story along with the other players, instead of being separated from them

  • Teaching a game prep system that puts the players in the driver's seat of the plot

  • Providing easy-to-use resources, organizing tools, philosophies, and game content for Game Masters in any system

That's the power of the way we like to run games, which we call...

"proactive roleplaying"

... it's a way to design a game backwards from the way everyone else does it. And you'll be shocked by the creativity and surprise it brings to your table.

If you're here, it's probably because you read the book.

Thank you, truly, from the bottom of our hearts, for taking the time to read it.

We know you have a lot of demands on your time and attention (and a lot of RPGs in your backlog that would also be a good use of that time), so any minute you spent with us is something we're grateful for.

If you liked the book, you'll probably like what we're working on next...

Tristan on the left and Jonah on the right. Taken when our advance copies came and we held them for the first time.

A FREE video course on bringing proactive roleplaying to your table + a community that runs encounters LIVE each week to practice our craft

There's so much we wanted to cover in the book that we just didn't have the space to cover. So while we think the book is a good introduction to the core ideas of proactive roleplaying, there's much more we want you to try at your table.

Right now we're running some private workshops to help Game Masters from many different systems (yes, 5e is one of them) transform their games with proactive roleplaying.

Once we have the curriculum dialed in, we're going to be publishing a free video course on bringing that system to your table. Right now, it looks like it's going to include:

  • 8 video lessons on the core concepts of proactive roleplaying

  • A workbook companion to organize your ideas as you do the creative exercises in the course

  • Preformatted notes templates to organize your campaign binder (proactively!)

  • A community space where Game Masters can run encounters LIVE each week and provide feedback to learn from each other on how to run better games

If that sounds interesting to you, you can sign up to receive updates by submitting your email address below. We'll send you updates on when the course is coming, let you know when it's released, and send you some materials to play with as we're developing them.

That should be coming early 2024, but keep an eye on your inbox before then, since we'll keep you updated on what we're working on.

We'll also have a paid version of the course for a few people who want to work with us directly to implement the system in their games in a small-group workshop setting.

If you choose to work with us in that way, then great, but the free course will contain everything you'll need to bring proactive roleplaying to your table. The goal is to make this system accessible to everyone. For serious hobbyists who'd like to move faster and have more help, that's what we're here for.

Thanks for reading, welcome home.

If any of this (player-driven narratives, games that run themselves, deep stories in any crunchy game you can think of) resonates with you, then, you're in the right place.

We're excited to have you here and thrilled you're checking it out.

If you have any questions about your games in the meantime, just hit "reply" on any email from us and we'll get back to you. We read every email.

See you there.

- Jonah & Tristan Fishel, the Quest Brothers